
Team Project of UNIT-2
Original Website:-
Deploy Link:-
Medium Link:-

Technologies Used:- ● HTML ● CSS ● JAVASCRIPT


● Aniket Solanki ● Debobrota Haldar ● Sonali Bhalerao ● Susmita Mandal ● Ahmed Noor

Functionalities of the Website:- ● Landing page ● Signup page ● Login page ● Dynamic searching ● Payment option

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Getting Started:- We started making our project with an group meeting. We have 6 members in our team. We started a zoom meeting and discussed on which part who will work and divide our task. We started with creating a repository on GitHub, and assigned them to the respective person by creating branches.

</div> We had to clone the Intern Theory website. This website is all about different type of internships and job-opportunities. It provides a lot of internships in different different areas both online as well as offline. We have made all the pages like landing page,signup page, login page, etc with different functionalities and simple and attractive UI.
Challenges we have faced and how we overcome them
We faced quite a few challenges while developing the clone. The challenges we can remember are as follows:- As we are unware of git tool and how to use it. We faced challenges in merging our code on github. But we never quit and regularly we tried our best and came up with the solution. We faced a lot of challenges while getting a similar layout on different screen sizes. Also, we faced a lot of challenges in JavaScript.